SSCC Scientific Board
Chairman of the Scientific Board: Prof. Dr. Carlo Largiadèr
Scientific Working Groups
Formation and FAMH Commission | Prof. Dr. Martin Hersberger | |
Molecular Diagnostics (web) | Prof. Dr. Martin Hersberger | |
Mass Spectrometry | Dr. Pierre-Alain Binz | |
Medicaments | Prof. Dr. Katharina Rentsch | |
Post Analytics | Dr. Pierre-Alain Binz | |
Preanalytics | Prof. Alexander Leichtle | |
Quality Control | Dr. Reto Savoca | |
Fähigkeitsausweis Praxislabor (FAPL / AFC-LP) | Pierre-Alain Morandi | |
Brains On | Dr. Déborah Mathis | |
Swiss Group for Inborn Errors of Metabolism (SGIEM) | Dr. Déborah Mathis | |
Description and activities of the SSCC scientific working groups
Formation and FAMH Commission
Martin Hersberger (chair), Jean-Luc Magnin, Sandra Mitrovic, Lorenz Risch, Véronique Viette, Nicolas VuilleumierThe working group represents the Swiss Society of Clinical Chemistry in the FAMH commission responsible for the formation of professionals in laboratory medicine. The FAMH commission organizes the entry and final exams for trainees in laboratory medicine FAMH, decides on the recognition of courses in laboratory medicine for the formation and for continuing education, is responsible for the recognition of laboratories as training institutions, and evaluates the equivalence of any foreign formation in laboratory medicine to the Swiss formation.
Molecular Diagnostics
Martin Hersberger (chair), Carlo Largiadèr, Joëlle TchindaThe working group organizes the yearly continous education symposium "MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS". This symposium held in English is aimed at laboratory managers, candidates for the diploma as a laboratory manager (FAMH) and other interested parties of laboratory medicine and clinical medicine, as well as to students and staff of medical laboratories. The aim is to present Molecular Diagnostics in the context of indication, modern technical realization and clinical interpretation (
Mass Spectrometry
Pierre-Alain Binz (chair), Marco Cantù, Alessio Cremonesi, Pierre Lescuyer, Daniel Müller, Katharina Rentsch, Michel Rossier, Christoph Seger, David Tonoli, Véronique VietteThe goals of the Mass Spectrometry (MS) working group are: 1) to organize courses in mass spectrometry to share knowledge on the possibilities and use of the technology in Laboratory Medicine; 2) to inform about the analyses processed in Switzerland that use Mass Spectrometry as analytical tool; a growing list of laboratories is made available on the website of the SSCC; 3) to keep contact and exchange experience with similar activities in other countries; 4) to propose guidelines for validation and use of MS-based technologies.
Katharina Rentsch (chair), Pierre-Alain Binz, Cyril Fuhrer, Pierre Lescuyer, Daniel Müller, Christoph SegerThe goals of the working group "Medicaments" are: 1) To assemble different pharmacokinetic and pre-analytical data on the commonly measured drugs in the context; 2) to organise meeting on therapeutic drug monitoring; 3) to keep contact and exchange experience on therapeutic drug monitoring and clinical toxicology within Switzerland and abroad.
The group is currently working on an update of the Swiss Guidelines for Drug of Abuse Testing.
Post Analytics
Pierre-Alain Binz (chair), Roberto Della Bruna, Olivier Golaz, Jean-Luc Magnin, Charly Nusbaumer, Michel Rossier, Véronique Viette, Nicolas VuilleumierThe main goal of the group is to promote the harmonization of 1) terminology and 2) practices for a) validation and b) reporting results in the swiss clinical chemistry laboratories.
The recommendation documents published by the WG: are available from the Publications page.
Alexander Leichtle (Chair), Daniel Bardy, Christoph Frick, Roman Fried, Viola Günter, Olivier Golaz, Sandra Mitrovic, Reto SavocaPreanalytical factors have a huge impact on the quality of laboratory results. Therefore, the standardisation of preanalytical processes is of paramount importance for the quality assurance in laboratory medicine.
The main topics of this working group are:
-Identification and evaluation of relevant preanalytical interferences
-Implementation of a preanalytical external quality assurance scheme
-Setting up and establishing a web tool for anonymous upload and analysis of hemolysis data to provide a benchmark of preanalytic quality.
-Critical discussion and recommendations for the handling of hemolytic and otherwise problematic samples
Quality Control
Reto Savoca (chair), Roman Fried, Viola Günther, Dagmar Kesseler, Hans-Rudolf Kuhn, Sandra MitrovicThe working group is engaged in the actualisation of the guideline for internal quality control by the QUALAB. It works out suggestions for new analyses to be submitted to external quality control and is also involved in the revision of the limits of acceptance for external and internal quality control. If needed, new limits of acceptance are elaborated and proposed to the QUALAB. Finally if a technical question from the QUALAB arises, this group is prepared to do the background work and to provide possible answers.
Fähigkeitsausweis Praxislabor KHM - FAPL / Attestation de formation complémentaire pour la pratique du laboratoire au cabinet médical CMPR - AFC-LP
Pierre-Alain Morandi (chair), Lorenz Risch, Reto Savoca, Pierre-Alain BinzIn order to promote a standardised knowledge on quality assurance within the laboratory of the practitioner, the FMH contracting partner of QUALAB ensures a post-graduate training for doctors which offer laboratory analyses. The task was delegated to a commission of the College of physicians from primary care KHM/CMPR (composed of representatives of scientific societies SSCC, SSH, SSM and delegates of the FMH, SSP, SSMIG). This commission developed and continually adapt a training programme for physicians. The members meet on a regular schedule to guarantee an “unité de doctrine” between the different Swiss centres offering the course.
The training consists of an e-learning course with a self-assessment on an online-platform, followed by two days of special courses in microbiology, haematology, clinical chemistry and urine diagnosis (incl. microscopy) with theoretical and practical work. The aim is mainly to raise awareness among physicians concerning their legal duties and the problematic of quality control in the field of the medical laboratory.
This course is mandatory for every physician that wants to provide medical analysis. The followed certification is provided by a regular participation on EQA. (updated 17th Aug. 2022)
Brains on
Déborah Mathis (chair), Barbara Rindlisbacher, Daniel Müller, Viola GüntherOrganisation of a one-day seminar for further education of newly finished FAMH in clinical chemistry. The goal of such a day is to discuss and learn about actual and practical laboratory challenges, to keep contact between FAMH after completing the education, and to harmonize lab practice. Sessions will be organized with invited speakers giving short input talks and with moderators to guide discussion on specific topics. Registration will be open for a max of 30 participants, on the principle of first come, first served. The first seminar day will take place in winter 22/23 in Bern. (updated 30th March 2023)
Swiss Group for Inborn Errors of Metabolism (SGIEM)
steering committee: Matthias Gautschi (chair) , Diana Ballhausen (Secretary), Jean-Marc Nuoffer (treasurer), Christel Tran, Matthias Baumgartner, Ilse Kern, Marianne Rohrbach, Déborah Mathis (labs), Susana Fernandez (dieticians)The Swiss Group for Inborn Errors of Metabolism (SGIEM) networks professionals involved in the diagnosis and clinical follow-up of patients in whom an inborn error of metabolism (IEM) is suspected or proven. The professional association includes physicians, dieticians, biochemists, biologists, or psychologists working directly with patient care and/or active in IEM research.
Current issues, which are addressed in depth in working groups, include the networking of laboratory services and patient management, development of common approaches to diagnosis and treatment of IEM and efforts to guarantee payment of laboratory analyses and special treatment products by health insurance organisations.
A major educational activity is a half-day annual meeting open to a broader group of professionals from Switzerland and neighboring countries with local and international speakers.